Parent/Student Handbook
Parent/Student Handbook
The Handbook is distributed to support and improve communication between home and school. The Handbook provides general school procedures and information as well as information required by the state to be provided annually about education codes and statutes.
This is a general reference tool.
PrincipalDaryle Weiss
908-859-1001 X150
The academic assistance program provides academic support to all students grades 1 through 8. Staff members will be available to assist students with homework, organization, and overall class work. It is important to note that this is not considered child-care. Students must have work to do during the after school program. The students involved in the program will be dismissed directly to the front door at the end of the day and need to be picked up by a parent at 4:00PM. Many parents choose to share the responsibility of picking up students because transportation is not provided. If your child is going to be attending Academic Assistance, a parent/guardian will need to report this through Pick Up Patrol.
Students who wish to stay after school for activities may do so, provided that the following conditions are met:
Notes for after school activities are no longer being accepted by the Main Office. If your child will be staying after school for any reason, their status will need to be updated in Pick Up Patrol. No student will be permitted to stay after school unless it is reflected in Pick Up Patrol. No changes will be allowed for activities after 2:45pm; students will not be allowed to call home for permission.
If a student is signed up for an activity, it will be automatically assumed that the student is attending for the duration of the program. If your child’s status is not reflected in Pick Up Patrol that their dismissal location has changed for the day, your child will be dismissed as directed.
Students will not be permitted to leave and re-enter the building when staying for an after-school activity, unless accompanied by an adult. Consequently, students will not be permitted to buy sodas, snacks, etc., and bring them into the building.
Students are expected to remain in the area immediately adjacent to the event and not to wander in the building or lavatories.
Proper conduct is expected of students at all times in the building and outside. The administration and faculty reserve the right to exclude any student whose behavior is inappropriate at any time prior to, during, or after an after-school activity.
It is the hope that parents who bring students to after-school activities will cooperate with the school in ensuring that our students’ behavior is appropriate.
A student must participate in at least 4.0 hours of school in order to partake in activities, clubs, extra-curricular activities, etc. on that day. If a student is not present on a Friday, it will be at the discretion of administration about participating in events occurring on weekend days.
Food-based allergies are an increasing concern for our student population, whether it be to tree nuts, fruit, etc. We are asking the help of parents and students in making our school safe for those students with life-threatening allergies. Please limit sending foods, especially with peanut or tree nut ingredients, to school for lunches or snacks. Some children with severe allergies are at risk if seated near another student eating food containing those ingredients, even if they do not eat the food.
The Board of Education, administration and staff recognize the importance of daily, punctual attendance to a student’s academic success. Students who are consistently absent for any reason and do not provide documentation for those absences will have a truancy referral filed against them through the Warren County Prosecutor’s Office. This includes excessive excused absences as well as vacations.
What constitutes an absence through Harmony Township School?
Administration and the Board of Education recognize that, from time to time, compelling circumstances will require that a pupil be late to school or be absent from school. As stated earlier, when possible, the school requires notification of absences from the student’s parent/guardian, giving the reason for tardiness or absence. For an unexpected absence or lateness, a note or email explaining the reasons for the absence or lateness will be expected upon return. Excused absences reasons may include:
Illness (a doctor’s note is required for the illness to be marked as excused);
Uncovered weeping skin lesions or those that cannot be covered;
Medical disability;
Death or critical illness in immediate family;
Court appearance;
Observance of religious holiday (based on State approved list);
**All other cases will be considered unexcused unless deemed otherwise by administration according to the State of New Jersey’s regulations.
Please note: A pupil will be retained at grade level, in accordance with Policy No. 5410, when he/she has not been in attendance for at least one hundred sixty-four of the one hundred eighty-three day school year; that is, has been absent more than 19 days, except under extenuating circumstances as judged by school administration.
Unexcused Absences:
Parents will receive letters pertaining to absences regardless of being excused or unexcused.
Parents of students who accumulate ten (10) unexcused absences will receive an email and a mailed letter warning of potential consequences regarding loss of privileges.
Students who accrue fourteen (14) unexcused absences may lose privileges for a two (2) week time period. At 14 unexcused absences administrative review will occur. A loss of privileges may occur which includes, but is not limited to:
school dances
extracurricular activities and clubs (Archery, Drama Club, Student Council, Intel, Robotics, Vex, Teen Arts, Band/Chorus, etc.)
participation in viewing in-school performances, assemblies, and field trips (such as Drama Club's productions, musical concerts, assemblies, etc.)
8th-grade activities and field trips
participation in graduation ceremony
Students who accrue 19 or more unexcused absences will lose all privileges aforementioned for the remainder of the school year as well as a truancy referral filed against them through the Warren County Prosecutor's Office as deemed by the State of New Jersey's Truancy Statute N.J.S.A. § 18A:38-31. All absences after 19 unexcused days will require a documented excuse.
Assignment make up and grading for credit of missed work will be at teacher’s discretion for unexcused absences.
Late Arrivals/Early Dismissals
In order to receive credit for a full day of attendance and for it to be counted as an excused absence, students in grades K-8 must be in attendance for four hours or more, exclusive of lunch. If a student must attend a medical/dental appointment during school hours, the student must attend school for at least 4.0 hours of the school day in order for the missed time to be considered "excused." This is in accordance with the State of New Jersey's School Attendance Policy administrative code N.J.A.C. 6A:32-8.3. If the student does not attend 4.0 hours of schooling, the day will be considered unexcused despite the appointment and proper health care provider documentation. It is state law that students must attend 4.0 hours of schooling each school day for the day to be considered fulfilled.
Excessive tardiness will result in corrective measures. Students arriving late are to report directly to the Main Office. A student who is tardy must have a parent sign him/her into the main office. If a student will be tardy it should be entered into Pick Up Patrol. Detentions can and will be given to students for excessive tardiness at the discretion of the administration.
Vacations & Family Trips
Several Board of Education policies refer to excessive student absence, and a student may be retained for lack of regular attendance. Absences due to illness or religious holidays are unavoidable and expected. Parents should, however, make every effort to avoid planning vacations during the school year. It is not reasonable to assign a week’s worth, or more, of specific assignments or homework when the child is not present to benefit from the daily instruction. Therefore, teachers may provide the student with missed materials and/or missed work upon the return of the child.
The interaction that takes place as a result of teachers’ planned presentations or from discussions, which develop from student questions and responses, goes far beyond the printed material in texts and workbooks. These discussions contribute to the student’s grasp of the subject matter and to related areas of understanding. Attendance and participation in daily classroom activities are vital parts of learning. Parents are encouraged to assist the faculty by ensuring regular, daily attendance, whenever possible.
Please communicate with teachers if a known absence is planned or will arise. Students are responsible for making up work missed due to absence. Any missed tests or quizzes will be made up at the discretion of the teacher. In general, pupils will be permitted one day to make up missed work for each day of absence.
Homework for absent students may be obtained by request via email or phone call.
A student may miss no more than ten (10) total “trip/vacation days” other than those in which the student is representing the school in a competition. A request for a “family trip/vacation” approval must be given to the school administrator two (2) weeks in advance of the trip, so it can be distributed to the teachers for approval. If prior approval is not granted for the trip, no work will be permitted to be made up and no credit will be given for assignments for that absence.
The following criteria will be considered when approving a family trip:
Form to be completed and submitted to Pat Roe in the main office or Mr. Weiss ten (10) school days prior to the trip for approval. Approval forms will be available online or in the office.
The student must be in good standing, regarding attendance, discipline, and academics (must have at least a 65% in each course including specials).
Students must consult with teachers before leaving regarding assignments for grades 5-8. Parents will consult with teachers for students in grades K-4.
Any make-up work requiring teacher assistance must be arranged by the student with the individual teacher(s) upon return from the trip or given before the trip depending on the arrangement made by both parties.
No more than ten (10) school days per student will be approved for educational trip requests in any given school year. These days are still considered unexcused absences, but the student has the ability to make up all work missed during the absence.
If approval is denied or not obtained, Teachers reserve the right to not allow the student to make up missed assignments or take any missed assessments, In this case no credit will be earned.
No trips will be approved during scheduled state testing, Link It or any other standardized assessment. Refer to the school calendar and the Principal’s Update for applicable dates.
Each child is responsible for the proper care and use of textbooks and educational materials, including calculators and laptop computers. Children are to keep all textbooks covered. If textbooks or other school property are defaced, lost, or damaged, students will be assessed the cost of the articles. Report cards may be withheld pending the payment or replacement of lost or damaged materials. Students are expected to have their names in all textbooks. Teachers will inform students of this procedure.
Please ensure that all family emergency contact information is up to date. Please update your contact information directly in the Genesis Parent Portal, including when your address, telephone number or place of employment changes, so that we may properly contact parents/guardians in the event of an emergency.
Detention may be assigned for, but not limited to, the following reasons:
Failure to abide by school rules;
Taking or attempting to take school property or property of others;
Physical abuse, verbal abuse or endangerment of another student or staff member;
Not abiding by the Middle School Homework policy;
Lunchroom and/or hallway misconduct;
Failure to complete classroom assignments;
Attempted vandalism;
Insubordination, including, but not limited to, continual refusal to follow directions, blatant disrespect and profanity;
Other serious infractions not included above.
Computer misconduct - refer to the school's Acceptable Use Policy
Parents of students receiving detention will be contacted by telephone or through email. CENTRAL DETENTION IS TRADITIONALLY HELD ON TUESDAYS (AND THURSDAYS, AS NEEDED) FROM RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL UNTIL 4PM. Individual teachers and/or administration may assign lunch detentions, Monday through Friday, as appropriate.
PickUp Patrol is our online system for parents to communicate dismissal plan changes to the school. Parents receive an email with PickUp Patrol login instructions. Changes can be entered from a smartphone, tablet, or computer, days, weeks, or even months in advance and at any time up until 2:45 PM on the day of the change. After 2:45 PM, changes will not be accepted. The end of the school day is a busy time, so please plan accordingly to assure the safety of all students.
Harmony Township School utilizes an automated call system to let parents know about upcoming events, school closings, etc. In order to receive these alerts, please ensure that you have the correct contact information registered is reflected in the Genesis Parent Portal under your child’s account. If school is not yet in session, and closes or has a delayed opening for weather or any unforeseen reason, a call will go out to all emergency contact telephone numbers provided to the school. If school is in session, and needs to close on an emergency basis, a call will go out to every telephone number you provide us for our database. We will utilize this system whenever possible, but please do not rely on this system as your only source of information for closings or delays. Please refer to websites and/or text and email alerts.
When inclement weather or emergency conditions make it necessary to close school, delay opening, or dismiss early, announcements will be made through the Finalsite Communication System. Telephone messages will be sent to each family, but should you not receive a call and conditions warrant, please consult the following:
Harmony Township School’s website: or Twitter: @HTShuskies
A delayed opening will be utilized if road conditions are marginal in the early morning hours. If a delayed opening is announced, all bus pick-ups will take place two hours later than normal. Delayed openings will be announced on above websites and by text and email alerts, beginning at approximately 6:30AM. If road conditions have not improved around 8:00AM, the delayed opening may be canceled and school may be closed for the day.
For a two-hour delay, all students are to arrive at 10:40AM. After 10:45AM, students will be considered late and must report to the Main Office. Keep in mind that on two-hour delay days, all bus pick-ups will be delayed by 2 hours. On two-hour delay days, lunch WILL be served.
Fire drills are held each month, as mandated by NJ State Law. Students are expected to remain silent and follow all directions
given by school staff.
In an ongoing effort to ensure the safety of your children, and as mandated by NJ State Law, we will be continuing to conduct a series of safety drills for our students this year. These drills are designed to give the students and staff a clear set of procedures to follow in the event of an emergency. The drills will be conducted on a monthly basis. We will continue to work with officials from the NJ Office of Emergency Management, the NJ State Police, and the Harmony Township Fire Department to assess and refine our safety procedures. The New Jersey Department of Education School Security website is a great reference tool for the public to find out more information about the drills and specific mandates and can be found at the following address: Please spend some time talking to your children about the reasons for safety drills and reassuring them that school is a safe place. We will have a number of staff members available to help students during and after the drills. Please contact the school if you, or your child, have any concerns about the drills.
Bus evacuation drills will take place in the fall and spring. During these drills, students will be asked to exit the bus from the rear door to simulate emergency conditions.
The Board of Education recognizes that field trips, when used as a device for teaching and learning, and are integral to the curriculum, are an educationally sound and important ingredient in the instructional program of the school. No student will be denied participation due to economic distress. Unexcused or excessive absences will result in loss of field trip privileges at administration's discretion. Needs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Mrs. Kovalsky, our school nurse, provides health needs to our district. Please be sure to submit complete, up-to-date contact information to the school in case she would need to reach you regarding your child’s health status. Parents/guardians are requested to notify the nurse of any specific health concerns/conditions to safeguard the welfare of the child. There are laws enacted to protect the privacy of student health information. To be compliant with FERPA regulations, we must have the parents’ permission to share medical information with staff members. Be sure to complete the appropriate information and return it to Mrs. Kovalsky if you want your child’s medical information shared with staff members who may need to know.
It is inevitable that certain communicable diseases will occur every school year. If your child contracts a communicable disease, or will be absent for any other medical reason, please contact Mrs. Kovalsky in the health office. If your child has a fever, he/she must be fever-free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Medications - The following directions apply to school day, curricular activities and field trips:
NO over-the-counter medicines (such as cough medicine, allergy medication, pain medicine) are to be in a child’s possession. All medicines are to be kept in the Health Office.
Any medicine that the nurse is expected to give must be in a bottle with the original pharmacy label on it. Your pharmacist should be able to provide a labeled container if you request it for the school.
Students requiring medications at school must have a medication authorization form completed by the healthcare provider which states the type, dosage and purpose of the medication.
Forms for the doctor may be obtained through the health office or the school website.
The school nurse should be advised of any drug being taken by a student, particularly those that might cause a change in behavior.
All student medications must be administered by the school nurse and only with written authorization from the healthcare provider.
Under certain medical circumstances, emergency medication may be self-carried and self-administered with written physician orders and parental permission.
Physical Restrictions and Other Medical Problems
If your child may not participate in any part of the school program because of a medical reason, this restriction must be submitted in writing by the doctor to the school nurse. If your child has any specific sensitivity, such as to food or bee stings, which might cause a severe allergic reaction, your doctor must designate the exact medical procedure to be followed. This written notice is to be signed by the doctor and parent/guardian. If your child has any other medical condition, which may require treatment, be sure to notify the school nurse at the beginning of the school year.
Vision/Hearing Screenings and Scoliosis
All children will be screened for potential vision and hearing problems every year. You will be notified if a more complete medical evaluation seems indicated. Please, in turn, advise the school nurse of any significant findings by your doctor. Students are screened for scoliosis after the age of 10 years.
School Entrance Medical Requirements:
Physical Exams
All preschool students, out of state transfer students and kindergarten students are required to have an entrance physical exam. This exam may be performed by your private physician or the school physician. Permission slips will be distributed with the summer packets, or, as needed, throughout the year. Forms are also available on the school website. Please return your permission slips for the school physicals as soon as possible.
Please contact Mrs. Kovalsky if you have any specific questions about the minimum immunization requirements for school attendance in the State of New Jersey.
Preliminary registration of kindergarten children is made in the spring preceding their entrance to school. Proof of residence in the township, along with the dates and verifications of immunizations, must be presented. Our school nurse can provide you with a current list of required immunizations. Please contact Mrs. Kovalsky, School Nurse, at 908-859-1001 ext. 190 with any questions.
Parents/guardians will have the ability to access student schedules, grades, attendance and report cards through our Genesis Parent Portal. If you do not already have an account, email your name, telephone number, child name/grade to Keep in mind that this will allow you to view/print to your child’s report card, via PDF, at the end of each marking period, as report cards will no longer be printed and sent home with students. Please be mindful and diligent about checking your child's academic progress on a regular basis.
Check the posted safety guidelines regarding the use of playground equipment. Students are cautioned to use the following rules and guidelines when using the playground in order to ensure the safety of ALL children:
Remain in the assigned areas and within sight of the playground supervisors.
Interact in a positive and appropriate manner. Wrestling, fighting, teasing, pushing and tripping are NOT allowed. Never throw dirt, stones, wood chips, snowballs/ice, twigs/branches or any other potentially dangerous objects.
Report any injuries immediately to an adult on the playground.
Line up quickly, quietly and in an orderly fashion when directed by the staff.
Enter the building in an orderly fashion.
The responsibility for providing a well-organized educational program has been delegated to the administration and the staff. A pressing problem can best be handled in the following manner:
Contact the classroom teacher or specialist. If the issue is not resolved . . .
Contact the Principal. If the issue is not resolved . . .
Contact the Superintendent. If the issue is not resolved . . .
Contact the Board of Education.
School dances will be held throughout the year, most sponsored by the 8th grade class. In order to keep a safe and secure environment, the following are some general guidelines for school dances. Please remember that students are to dress in a manner consistent with our school dress code.
Students are expected to behave in a respectful manner at all times. The school dress code and all school rules apply to dances.
Students must be in grades 6-8 (select activities will also include students in grades 5) and, as with all school-sponsored activities, the Harmony Township School discipline policy applies.
Students who are absent on the day of a dance will not be permitted to attend without special permission from school administration.
Guests from other districts are not permitted to attend.
Once admitted, students are to remain inside until the event concludes and they are picked up by a parent or designated responsible adult.
Maschio’s Food Service will provide a well-balanced lunch for all students. Alternate choices are offered. Please refer to the menu posted on the school’s website for the daily lunch choices. Lunch will be served starting Thursday, August 29, 2024. Information regarding free and reduced lunch is available through the Parent Portal and on the school website. Interested parents/guardians must complete the appropriate forms and return them to school.
Students’ progress is relayed through parent/teacher conferences/communication and report cards. Report cards will be issued 3 times per year. Report cards will be available online through our Genesis Parent Portal at the end of each marking period. Report cards will no longer be printed and sent home with each student. Parents/Guardians who do not currently have a parent portal account should email with your name, telephone number, child’s name/grade, and you will be provided with login information. Report cards will only be printed in limited quantities by parent request.
According to NJSA 6:3-2, “Each local school district shall have the responsibility to compile and maintain pupil records and to regulate access to and security of such records in accordance with these rules and regulations.” Inherent in this law is the parent’s right to review their child’s school records and to request interpretation of such records, as needed. All such requests are to be made to the school office.
Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) for Students in General Education
This team of individuals includes, but is not limited to, parents, administrators, teachers, nurses and counselors. The purpose of the I&RS Committee is to brainstorm interventions that are appropriate, family-supported, and individualized for specific student needs. The interventions in the general education program will hopefully affect the necessary change for successful student participation in the mainstream. The recommendations for interventions are coordinated with the classroom staff and monitored through follow-up meetings. The classroom teacher or parent may make requests for this service. SEE MORE
In accordance with New Jersey State Law, the Child Study Team is composed of a Psychologist, Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant, Social Worker, Speech Therapist, Nurse and, as needed, a consulting physician. The purpose of the team is to aid teachers, parents and students in providing the proper educational program for students. As of 2019, the CST is led by Ryanne Bigelli and works cluster wide to provide services to our students. A parent or teacher can make requests for a CST referral. SEE MORE
The Harmony Township School provides opportunities for those students identified as Gifted and Talented. The program utilized by the district encompasses school-wide enrichment opportunities as well as identified target instruction. Children are identified in grades K-8 through multiple measures. For those students identified, pullout instruction is provided. The Harmony Township School is a member of the Warren County Consortium for Student Enrichment and participates in many events through the course of the school year, such as Battle of the Books, Strategic Thinking Day, Forensics, Battle of the Minds and Debates.
Harmony Township School currently offers RtI in Language Arts and Math. Response to intervention is a multi-tiered approach to providing services and interventions to students who are having difficulties academically. At each step, students are closely monitored to make certain that progress is being made. As interventions become more intense with each tier, results are used to make decisions about the needs for further research-based instruction and possible evaluation for other services. This process provides for early identification through universal screenings and interventions to support student learning. SEE MORE
At times it may be necessary for you to relay a message to your child’s teacher; however, instructional time is valuable. It is felt you will use good judgment in being selective in the type and frequency of the messages. Email is the best form of communication with our educators.
A student who will be transferring out of the district should do the following:
Notify the Main Office of the new address.
Return all materials to the homeroom teacher. Settle all financial obligations prior to the actual transfer.
A permission to release records will be provided for parent/guardian signature. The transfer card will be mailed to the new school.
Bus Transportation
The following rules and regulations are necessary to provide safe transportation of all students on all trips; daily, extra-curricular and field trips.
AT ALL TIMES: Follow the directions of the bus driver. Do not argue with the bus driver; bring your complaint to the office if a difference of opinion exists with the bus driver.
Keep your seatbelt buckled at all times until permission is given to leave your seat. Do not leave your seat while the bus is in motion.
Enter and leave the bus in a single-file line. Do not push or crowd.
Do not put your hands, arms, or legs out of the window or into the aisles. Keep your hands and feet to yourself and the aisles clear of personal belongings.
Do not throw anything in the bus or out the bus windows.
Speak softly. Do not shout or yell in the bus, as this could distract the bus driver.
Do not participate in horseplay in or around the bus.
Do not tamper with the bus or its equipment.
Do not use vulgar language.
Eating, drinking and gum chewing are not allowed on the bus.
Everyone must face the front of the bus.
Shouting at pedestrians is forbidden.
A student crossing the road must cross a minimum of 15 feet in front of the bus. The student is to wait for the driver’s signal before crossing.
Bus riders shall conduct themselves in a safe manner.
Be on time at designated bus stops.
Never stand in the roadway while waiting for the bus.
Avoid crowding or pushing in getting on or off the bus.
Do not move toward the bus at the loading zone until the bus has come to a complete stop.
Take your place in line when entering the bus. Once on the bus, proceed to your assigned seat.
Never enter or leave the bus while it is in motion.
Do not destroy or damage surrounding property while waiting for the bus.
No snowball, stone or ball throwing at stops.
Bus drivers are responsible for enforcement of regulations. Violators may be suspended from riding the bus. Rules for student behavior on buses are clearly spelled out in this section. If the situation warrants, parents will be notified when a child misbehaves on the bus. Constant violators may be suspended from school.
To ensure our students’ safety and security, if a parent/guardian is not present at a bus stop when a student is being dropped off, and that student is in 4th grade or under, he/she will be brought back to Harmony Township School and will need to be picked up.
Per Board of Education policy, parents of children who ride buses must have their children outside and ready ten minutes prior to their assigned bus stop times. Bus drivers are not expected to wait for children. STUDENTS MAY RIDE ONLY THEIR ASSIGNED BUS. Permission will not be granted to ride another bus. If you want your child to depart from his/her school bus at a stop other than his/her regular stop, this information MUST be reflected in Pick Up Patrol. This applies only to his/her assigned bus.
Alternate Transportation
If you wish your child dismissed from school at a time other than the normal dismissal hour, PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE:
Update your child’s status directly in Pick Up Patrol with the name of the person picking up.
If your child will be going home with a friend or family member, this needs to be updated directly in Pick Up Patrol with the name of the person who will be picking up your child in the pick up lane.
If you do not wish your child to go home on the bus, you must update your child’s dismissal status directly in Pick Up Patrol. Your child will be sent to his/her designated pick-up/drop-off door. Please follow 1 and 2 above. TO ENSURE STUDENT SAFETY AND SECURITY, PICK UP OR CHANGE IN TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS SUBMITTED TO THE MAIN OFFICE AFTER 2:45 PM WILL NOT BE HONORED.
Bicycle riding and walking to school is not permitted. Rollerblades, skateboards, scooters, etc., are not permitted on school property.
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures See Map
Harmony Township School is committed to creating the safest possible environment for our students. A new traffic pattern has been designed and will be observed by all individuals who opt to drop off and pick up their children. Cars dropping off and/or picking up students will come onto school property according to the map. Please be advised that the Belvidere Road entrance of the parking lot will be CLOSED to traffic during the drop-off and pick-up times.
Parents/guardians will no longer need to enter the building and sign out their children at the end of the school day if they follow the pick-up procedures outlined below. If you need to assist your child with entering or exiting school, you will need to park in a designated visitor spot near the front of the school and enter the school through the Main Office. If you intend to utilize any facilities on the school grounds for any reason, please park in a designated visitor spot.
Drop-Off Procedures (Kindergarten – 8th Grade students) - Children may be dropped off between 8:37AM and 8:40AM. Children being dropped off after 8:40AM will need to enter school through the Main Office.
Enter the school lot through the designated area (A-L or M-Z).
Proceed to the right and enter the designated carpool lane.
Follow the arrows through the lot and to the turnaround area. Keep in mind that the Belvidere Road entrance will be CLOSED to traffic during the drop-off and pick-up times.
Funnel through the turnaround lane and pull up to pick up.
Drop off your student(s) at the designated drop off area between the playground fence and yellow curb near the back lobby for A-L and the bottom of the ramp in the rear for M-Z. Students are not to be dropped off anywhere else along the carpool route. Harmony School staff members will be at the drop off point to assist.
Do not park or get out of your vehicle in the carpool lane. You will need to park in a designated visitor spot at the front of the building if your child needs assistance getting into school.
After dropping off, follow the carpool lane and exit the parking lot by following the arrows.
Pick-Up Procedures (PRESCHOOL – 8th Grade students)
Enter the school grounds through the entrance before the bus lanes for A-L or upper entrance off of Brainards Road for M-Z. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE CARPOOL LANE BEFORE 3:15PM. IF YOU ARE PICKING UP A MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT, PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE CARPOOL LANE PRIOR TO 3:20PM TO ALLOW YOUR CHILD TIME TO GET TO LOCKERS.
Proceed and enter the designated carpool lane.
Follow the arrows through the lot and to the back turnaround area, just past the HTS sign on Route 519/Belvidere Road for A-L and the upper entrance in the rear for M-Z. Keep in mind that the Belvidere Road entrance will be CLOSED to traffic during the drop-off and pick-up times.
Funnel through the turnaround lane and pull up next to the fence by the playground for A-L and to the bottom of the ramp for M-Z..
Pick up your student(s) at the designated pick-up area. Students are not to be picked up anywhere else along the carpool route. Harmony School staff members will be at the pick-up point to assist.
Do not park or get out of your vehicle in the carpool lane. You will need to park in a designated visitor spot if your child needs assistance leaving school.
Follow the carpool lane and exit the parking lot onto Brainards Road through the upper exit next to where you entered.
Any and all dismissal changes for each child will need to be updated directly in Pick Up Patrol. If you will be picking up your child every day or on specific days (for example, every Tuesday), please indicate that in the Pick Up Patrol app/portal. If your child will be going home with a friend or other family member, this needs to be updated directly in Pick Up Patrol with the name of the person who will be picking up your child in the pick up lane. Please contact the Main Office with any questions you might have. TO ENSURE STUDENT SAFETY AND SECURITY, DISMISSAL CHANGE REQUESTS WILL NOT BE HONORED AFTER 2:45PM.
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act is our country’s most important federal education law. In 2001, this law was reauthorized and is now called the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). NCLB was designed to make changes in teaching and learning that will help increase academic achievement in our schools. The law requires that all schools receiving Title 1 funds must inform parents of their right to ask schools about the qualifications of their child’s teachers. Our school receives Title 1 funding and we are happy to share this information with you at your request.
We believe that nothing is more important to your child’s education at school than having a well-prepared and highly qualified teacher. The law requires that all teachers who teach in core content areas must meet a specific legal definition of “highly qualified” in order to teach in schools that receive Title 1 funding. The legal definition of a “highly qualified teacher” has three parts. It states that a teacher must have the following:
A four-year college degree
A regular teaching certificate/license
Proof of his/her knowledge in the subject they teach
New Jersey has some of the most qualified teachers in the country, and we are extremely proud of the quality of the teaching staff in the Harmony Township School District. All our regular teachers have college degrees and many have advanced degrees. The state of New Jersey has always required a teaching certificate/license for all teachers. In addition, every teacher continues learning through professional development activities and our teachers are evaluated each year to make sure that their teaching skills remain at the highest possible level. Most teachers already meet this legal definition of highly qualified. Teachers in the state of New Jersey are required to meet this definition.
To ensure that every child in every classroom has a highly qualified teacher, the state of New Jersey and our school district are working together to help teachers meet the requirements of the federal law by providing several options. Teachers may take a content Praxis test, or they can demonstrate their expertise through a college major in the content. A highly qualified teacher knows what to teach, how to teach, and has a full understanding of the subject matter being taught. We believe that every teacher in our school is fully qualified and dedicated to teaching your child, and we will do everything possible to help our teachers who may not yet meet the legal definition required by the federal government.
WE encourage you to support your child’s education and communicate with your child’s teacher(s) on a regular basis. For more information on NCLB, and the role of parents, please visit the United States Department of Education (USDE) Web site at
An integral part of every student's education is learning to be a responsible citizen. It is necessary for students to respect the rights and property of others and to conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times. Students attending our school have certain rights but also have certain responsibilities. For example, students have the right to respectfully express their opinions, to have fair and consistent rules, to have their privacy respected, and to due process procedures. They also have the responsibility to attend school and classes regularly, to respect others as well as school property, refrain from conduct that disrupts the teaching-learning process, and behave in an appropriate manner in the classroom, lunchroom, lavatories, hallways, playground, traveling to and from school, during recess and all school-sponsored activities.
The members of the Harmony Township School community expect all students to fulfill the behavioral expectations of the school community, and to:
Prepare themselves mentally and physically for the process of learning;
Demonstrate respect for people and property;
Use time and resources responsibly;
Share responsibilities in group projects;
Meet the unique requirements of each class;
Monitor their own progress; and
Communicate with school personnel about school related matters.
Our school rules require that pupils:
Conform to reasonable standards of socially acceptable behavior;
Respect the person, property, and rights of others;
Preserve the degree of order necessary to the educational program in which they are engaged; and
Respect persons in authority and respond respectfully to that authority.
Our staff members promote a learning environment that encourages fulfillment of each pupil’s potential in regard to his/her program.
This goal may be reached by adapting instruction to individual needs by:
Insisting on reasonable standards of scholastic accomplishment for all pupils;
Creating a positive atmosphere in and out of the classroom;
Extending the same courtesy and respect that is expected of pupils; and
Treating all pupils with consistent fairness.
Chewing gum is prohibited. This not only refers to classrooms but to the playground, the gym and the cafeteria as well.
Students are to walk through the halls properly without excessive noise and proceed directly to their intended destinations. Verbal reminders shall be given to those not abiding by the rules. Offenders may be given an after school detention.
Children should understand that any staff member has the authority and obligation to make on-the-spot corrections regarding any infractions of school rules.
All food is to be eaten in the lunchroom. STUDENTS SHOULD NOT take food on the playground or back to the classroom.
Lost and found articles are to be claimed at the Back Lobby.
Outside clothing should be removed once inside the classroom. It should not be worn throughout the school day. Hats or caps are not to be worn during the school day.
No student is to leave the school grounds without a written request from parents or legal guardians. Requests must be submitted to the office.
No pupil is to be sent on any outside errand during school hours.
At the end of the day, pupils should proceed to their bus or to an assigned area to wait for parents to pick them up.
LOCKERS (for grades 6-8) - Only as scheduled.
All books must be covered, per teacher/classroom rules.
Keep in mind that teachers will also have their own set of established classroom rules that accompany the above-mentioned school rules.
An integral part of every student’s education is learning to be a responsible citizen. It is necessary for students to respect the rights and property of others and to conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times. Although the majority of our students are well behaved and take great pride in Harmony Township School, a minimum number of regulations regarding student behavior will be strictly enforced. Any disciplinary action taken by the school is intended to benefit the student through improving his/her attitude and behavior. As always, parent support and cooperation in the area improves the benefit to your child.
Students are expected to abide by established classroom rules as set forth by the teacher.
Actions that interrupt the school routine will be dealt with by the classroom teacher as the need arises. Examples of such actions include but are not limited to: chronic tardiness, disorderly conduct, vulgar language, class clowning, littering, gum chewing, misuse of items, harassment, interfering with the education of others, and disrespect of teacher instruction.
Normal classroom discipline shall be handled by the classroom teacher.
Students are to be respectful to all adult staff members at all times.
Insubordination (disrespect) to staff members will not be tolerated. Repercussions for such actions will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the teacher and administration.
Students are to act responsibly at all times. Posing physical danger to themselves, to another student, or innocent bystanders will not be tolerated.
Students who engage in fighting or assault will be referred to the School Disciplinarian or Administrator and consequences will be determined by them. Police may be involved.
Students shall remain in the school building or on school property at all times during the school day
Students leaving the building or grounds of their own volition shall be referred to the office.
Students are not entitled to any illegal or unexcused absences from school or class.
Students who are truant are expected to make-up all missed work in a timely manner at the discretion of the teacher.
An excessive amount of truant absences could result in further disciplinary action as outlined by the State of New Jersey's Truancy Statute N.J.S.A. § 18A:38-31
A student possessing alcohol, drugs of any kind including over the counter, weapons, and/or explosives will be sent to the office. This matter will be handled as prescribed in U.S. and N.J. Statutes and Regulations as well as out-of-school suspension or expulsion. Police will be involved.
Students caught smoking, vaping, or in possession of cigarettes, vapes (including vape pens), or any tobacco products will be subject to out of school suspension.
Students not reporting for a scheduled detention will be required to make-up that detention and be given an additional detention for failure to comply.
Student(s) who fail to comply with detention rules will be given an additional detention.
The Board of Education views vandalism against school property by pupils as reprehensible. The board believes that pupils should respect property and take pride in the schools of this district. The board will hold the pupil or his/her parents/guardians liable for the damage caused by him/her. When vandalism is discovered, the administration is directed to take such steps as are necessary to identify the vandals. The appropriate administrator then will call together persons, including the parents/guardians, needed to study the causes; decide upon disciplinary and/or legal action possibly including suspension. Should parents/guardians fail to cooperate in the discussions, the administration may charge the pupil with being delinquent by a petition stating the offense and requesting appearance in juvenile court; seek appropriate restitution. Students are expected to respect the rights of others. Under no circumstances should any student take anything from another anything that does not belong to him/her. The classroom teacher will deal with offenders and parents shall be notified. Habitual offenders will be given an after school detention and face detention with a referral to the administration.
The same rules will apply that are in effect during the regular school day at all functions which are sponsored by the school or are connected in any way (school dances, PTA events, etc.). Children who do not attend school during the day of such functions are not permitted to attend the event in the evening or whenever it may be held, except under extenuating circumstances that require administrative approval.
The Harmony Township School supports the concepts of individuality and freedom of choice; however, modest, comfortable and clean attire is expected of all students daily. Parents are asked to exercise discretion to ensure that our students are appropriately dressed. Listed below are a limited number of prohibitions and restrictions that require your attention. Please also refer to Policy 5511.
1. Clothing shall not constitute a health or safety hazard to the wearer or to others, shall not be potentially destructive to school property and shall not constitute a disruption to the educational process. (large winter outer garments will be considered a disruption)
2. Hats, caps, bandanas or hoods are not permitted to be worn during the school day. The Exception will be school sponsored fundraisers where Hats Only will be acceptable.
3. Footwear must be worn at all times. Open-heeled sandals or shoes, flip flops, bare feet, spiked or cleated footwear and black-heeled boots/shoes, which mark or damage the floors, are not permitted. “Sneakers” or soft rubber soled shoes are required for physical education classes. Parents of primary level students should be aware of the days their children are scheduled for gym classes and dress children appropriately. Crocs or other rubber clogs must be worn with the strap around the ankle.
4. Tank tops, mesh or see-through clothing, halter, tube, cut out, low-cut and bare midriff tops and shirts, if midriff shows, are considered unacceptable. Tank top style shirt straps/sleeves should be at least 2 fingers in width. No undergarments should be exposed at any time.
5. Clothing, pins, stickers, patches, banners or any other items which advertise or promote the use of controlled substances such as alcohol or drugs, which are offensive to ordinary tastes, obscene or immoral, biased, or which promote the use or glorification of weapons and/or illegal or violent acts or a counterculture inconsistent with the public school are prohibited.
6. Shorts, skirts and dresses should be approximately knee length; they should not be shorter than “Thumb tip” length when arms are fully extended at sides. Cut off, torn or tattered clothing, whether purchased in such a state or altered after purchase, is permitted as long as the tears/rips meet the “Thumb Tip” standard.
7. Any items or manner of dress not specifically addressed in these guidelines are subject to administrative review and regulation, including but not limited to central detentions, and/or parent contact for a change of clothing.
The Harmony Township School requests the cooperation of all parents, students and faculty in observing these guidelines. Staff members, charged with securing compliance with these guidelines, are directed to do so in a manner which does not demean or ridicule the student, nor are they to subject the students to unnecessary scorn or embarrassment. Neatness, cleanliness and personal hygiene are the primary concerns. These delicate issues will be addressed by the teacher, school nurse, school counselor and administration. We believe these guidelines provide flexibility and choice and that they allow for comfort and variety.
The Harmony Township School requests the cooperation of all parents, students and faculty in observing these guidelines. Neatness and cleanliness are the primary concerns. We believe these guidelines provide flexibility and choice and that they allow for comfort and variety.
Actions which warrant a student’s removal from the cafeteria and/or detention are: fighting, throwing or abusing food, profane language or gestures, willful disrespect for authority, school property, creating a nuisance, or any other disruptive activity.
Cafeteria/Lunch Rules:
A hot meal is provided daily. We now use a computerized point of sales system. Parents may pay in advance. Students are issued a PIN which corresponds with their account. Students will have an option to pay cash. Sign up at
Cafeteria Procedures:
1. Pupils must walk single file when entering the cafeteria.
2. All students must return their trays and throw all garbage in the proper garbage/recycle containers.
3. Students must wait to be dismissed from the cafeteria so that tables and floors can be checked for garbage.
4. Pupils in grades K-4 will line up quietly when instructed by the person on duty and wait to be picked up by their teacher. The bell does not dismiss you!
5. When leaving the cafeteria, pupils should walk quietly in single file.
Cafeteria Rules:
1. Students may talk during lunch using inside voices.
2. Proper table manners and respect to others are expected at all times.
3. Students may not share food or touch other students’ food.
4. Students will not throw food.
5. Students must remain seated unless otherwise instructed or given permission by a person in charge.
6. Students may not leave the cafeteria during lunch without permission. If you need to leave, you must take the pass.
7. Students must sit at tables with their own grade, unless otherwise assigned.
Verbal warning
Seat move/assigned seats
Loss of recess
Lunch detention
After school detention
Students are to ensure that cell phones and other portable electronic communication devices are turned off and remain out of sight for the course of the instructional day, 8:40am – 3:20pm. Please also refer to Board of Education Policy 5516.
A student violating this policy shall be disciplined as follows:
First Offense– the cellular phone or other electronic device will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the instructional day.
Second Offense– the cellular phone or other electronic device will be confiscated and returned to the student’s parent or guardian.
Third Offense– the cellular phone or other electronic device will be confiscated and returned to the student’s parent or guardian, and the student will serve a central detention.
Subsequent Offenses– the cellular phone or other electronic device will be confiscated and returned to the student’s parent or guardian, and the student will no longer be able to bring the phone to school. In addition, the student will serve an in-school suspension, out-of school suspension, and/ or detention as determined by the school administrator.
Pupils must respect the rights of other pupils. Harassment, bullying or discrimination of any kind against any member of the school community will not be tolerated, and violations will result in disciplinary action. The Harmony Township Board of Education Policies and Regulations are in keeping with the anti-bullying law (N.J.S.A. 18A:37-13-19).
Severe or chronic interpersonal conflicts and bullying often have an adverse impact on the educational success of the students involved and those who witness the event(s). If the situation is assessed as a conflict (interpersonal differences between two individuals – no pronounced imbalance of power), all individuals involved will meet with the guidance counselor and participate in one or more peer mediation sessions. Students who choose to continue the conflict may be subject to disciplinary action.
Bullying: If the situation is assessed as bullying, including cyber bullying (physical, emotional, and/or social harassment directed toward one individual – significant imbalance of power), one or more of the following intervention strategies will be employed:
Victim support: The individual who has been the target of bullying will be provided: instruction and practice with prevention techniques, assertiveness skills, and avoiding inappropriate responses to bullying. Other supports may include environmental alterations to ensure student safety, individual counseling services, or the use of a student buddy system.
Witness Empowerment: Students who are witness to a bullying incident(s) may be prompted to use strategies to extinguish future bullying incidents.
Bully Behavior Modification: Students who engage in bully behaviors will receive one or more of the following actions (depending on the history, severity and number of offenses):
Review of behavior expectations and of consequences of code of conduct violations
Parental notification
Individual or group counseling sessions. Sessions may be held during school or after school detention periods.
Disciplinary action as defined in the Bullying and Harassment Policy approved by the Harmony Township BOE.
Conflict resolution session(s) with victim of aggression (if requested by the victim)
Parent/Student meeting with Principal and/or Guidance Counselor
Reporting: All incidents of bullying are to be reported to administration or staff. Incidents of bullying may be reported anonymously by submitting a note to administration or staff. HIB report forms are available on our school website and in the Main Office.
Please also refer to Policy 5512 HIB Information at
The purposes for homework are as follows: to improve and deepen the learning and thinking processes, to aid in the mastery of and application of skills, and to create and stimulate interest.
Homework, which helps the student independently, is an indispensable extension of the classroom experience.
Homework is meant to:
Reinforce what is taught in the classroom.
Individualize instruction.
Improve student performance.
Develop effective study habits.
Provide a day-to-day link between home and school.
Students will:
Complete all assignments on time and in a neat and acceptable manner (instructions followed, steps completed.) Homework is not complete until it is turned in to the teacher.
Write down the assignments given by the teacher in a notebook or assignment pad.
Budget time to complete projects.
Develop good work and study habits.
Complete all missed assignments.
Follow through in delivering notes, messages and other communication to their parents.
Parents are recommended to:
Review schoolwork and homework.
Review homework assignments online
Provide an area for study that is away from the center of activity in your home.
Set aside a regular time for study and help organize assignments.
Make sure assignments are being done.
Ask children questions about what they have learned.
Sign progress reports, report cards and teacher specified assignments.
Communicate immediately with the teacher regarding concerns
Although the basic responsibility for homework rests with the teacher, it is necessary that certain general criteria be imposed to limit the wide variations that would otherwise develop within a school from grade to grade or from within a single grade. Therefore, the homework guidelines outlined below are generally followed. The time schedule is not meant to inhibit the teacher from assigning long-range projects such as book reports, dioramas, mobiles, or term papers. Students should pay strict attention to due dates for these long-term projects.
Grades 1-3: Most of this work should be supervised in the classroom. However, in order to develop proper work habits and a sense of responsibility, homework is also necessary at these grade levels. When a child has been absent, sufficient time is allowed to make up his work. A note is usually sent home, informing parents as to what work must be made up.
Grades 4-5: Homework should not exceed 1 hour per day.
Grades 6-8: At this level, time spent for homework should not exceed 1 1/2 hours per day. Students are expected to keep an assignment book or a special section for assignments in his/her notebook.
Homework will be checked/collected and those students with incomplete or missing assignments will receive a homework slip. A homework slip may also be given if a student fails to bring required materials to class. This slip should be signed by the parent and returned the next day with the missing assignment. If the homework slip is not signed/returned, the student will receive a second homework slip.
Tardy assignments are subject to a loss of credit or point deduction at the discretion of the teacher.
Students who receive a total of five homework slips from all subjects will receive a discipline referral for central detention and a loss of five Quality Student Points (QSPs). Students are expected to be responsible for homework and to bring required materials/assignments to class each day. Middle school students will not be permitted to pick up homework/classroom materials dropped off in the main office by a family member during the course of the day.
Middle School Quality Student Points (QSP) Program
Level Review Breakdown
Level 1 Review
When the pupil’s level of quality points reaches eighteen (18), or less, with no potential to earn back the lost points, an Administrative Review is required. The agenda of this meeting will be as follows:
To inform parents of ongoing concerns involving their child.
To inform the pupil of potential loss of privileges if the expressed concerns continue.
To formulate a plan to change the student's behavior and choices which have led up to this review.
To determine both school and parental responses to effect positive change in the pupil.
Level 2 Review
When the pupil's level of quality points reaches eleven (11), or less, with no potential to earn back the lost points, a Level 2 Administrative Review is required. The agenda of this meeting will be as follows:
To inform parents that the pupils' unacceptable behaviors have continued.
To inform the parents that the pupil has lost all extra-curricular activities for a period of 15 school days.
To formulate a plan to change the student's behavior and choices which have led up to this review.
To determine both school and parental responses to effect positive change in the pupil.
To inform parents that the pupil is in danger of losing all extra-curricular activities permanently.
Level 3 Review
When the pupil's level of quality points reaches five (5), with no potential to earn back the points, a final Administrative Review is required. The agenda of this meeting will be as follows:
To inform parents that the child has lost all privileges for thirty school days.
To review, with the parent and the child, a contract between the pupil and the school. This contract will require the pupil to meet all expectations as stated in the contract to bring the pupil's quality points back to five.
The parents and pupils understand that if any points are lost during the contract period, all extra-curricular activities are lost permanently. If the contract is fulfilled to the satisfaction of the administration, the pupil's extra-curricular activities will be restored after thirty school days. These extra-curricular activities include, but are not limited to, participation in: dances, trips, field day, graduation ceremony, and school related clubs and productions.
The following people may be present at any Administrative Review:
Teachers involved in behavioral incidents
Parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
Points Earnback:
Students begin the school year with 25 Quality Student Points (QSP). These points do not reset each trimester.
Homework infractions: all points lost due to homework infractions can be earned back. Students will have 1 day of earnback for each point lost. For example, if a student loses 5 points, he or she will need to gain signatures from all teachers on their schedule for 5 consecutive days using a school-issued earnback sheet. If all necessary signatures are obtained, 5 points will be credited back to the student.
Discipline infractions: No points will be earned back due to discipline infractions.
The teachers, administrators and the Board of Education of Harmony Township Public School recognize the need for student lockers as a means to alleviate the weight of backpacks and also to provide storage for coats and personal belongings. Students should never share their combination with anyone or for any reason. Once issued, a locker becomes the students’ responsibility. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles, so we cannot stress enough to KEEP YOUR COMBINATION SECRET!!
Locker Rules:
Lockers are the property of the Harmony Township Board of Education and are subject to inspection at any time.
Lockers should be kept clean and organized.
Avoid “overstuffing.”
Do not leave food in your locker.
The use of a school locker is a privilege and may be revoked if a student misuses or abuses it.
Students who damage their locker will be required to pay for repairs and may receive further consequences.
The interior and exterior of the lockers are to be kept clean and clear of stickers, photos, tape, including decorating for birthdays, etc.
Students will be permitted access to one locker.
This notice is being distributed to comply with the New Jersey School Integrated Pest Management Act. The Harmony Township School District has adopted an Integrated Pest Management Policy (IPM) and has implemented an IPM plan to comply with this law. IPM is a holistic, preventative approach to managing pests that is explained further in the school’s IPM policy, a copy of which is available by contacting the school office.
The required IPM coordinator for the Harmony Township School is:
Mr. Tim McKeever
Phone: (908) 859-1001
Address: 2551 Belvidere Road, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
The IPM coordinator maintains the pesticide product label, and the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each pesticide product that may be used on school property. This information is available for review by contacting the IPM coordinator at the number and address listed above.
As part of a school pest management plan, Harmony Township School may use pesticides to control pests. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) register pesticides to determine that the use of a pesticide in accordance with instructions printed on the label does not pose an unreasonable risk to human health and the environment. Nevertheless, the EPA and the DEP cannot guarantee that registered pesticides do not pose any risk to human health, thus unnecessary exposure to pesticides should be avoided. The EPA has issued the statement that where possible, persons who are potentially sensitive, such as pregnant women, infants, and children, should avoid unnecessary pesticide exposure.
A copy of the school district’s IPM policy and a list of pesticides used in the last twelve months are available by contacting the IPM coordinator listed above.
It is the policy of the Harmony Township School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, religion, English proficiency, socioeconomic status, or disability in its educational programs or activities and employment policies as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and NJAC 6:4-1.1 et. seq. Grievances regarding compliance may be directed to
Mr. Daryle Weiss, Affirmative Action Officer
Harmony Township School
2551 Belvidere Road
Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865
The District Comprehensive Equity Plan, Policies, Grievance Procedures and annual reports are available from the AAO.
Parents and community members are hereby notified of the availability of the Harmony Township School Asbestos Management Plan. Pursuant to Section 203 of Title II of the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) of U.S.C. 2643, and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, the plan can be reviewed in the school office during regular business hours or by appointment. Copies of the required three-year re-inspection are also available.
In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, no qualified handicapped person shall, on the basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or otherwise be subjected to the discrimination in any program provided by the Harmony Township School, which receives Federal benefits or assistance.
Notice of any construction or other activities involving the use of any hazardous substances will be posted on the bulletin board in the school. Hazardous substances may be stored at the school, at various times throughout the year, and hazardous substance fact sheets for any of the hazardous substances being used or stored are available in the school office.
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), 20 U.S.C. 1232h, requires Harmony Township School to notify you and obtain consent or allow you to opt your child out of participating in certain school activities. These activities include a student survey, analysis, or evaluation that concerns one or more of the following eight areas (“protected information surveys”):
Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent;
Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family;
Sex behavior or attitudes;
Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
Legally recognized privileges relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers;
Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or
Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
This requirement also applies to the collection, disclosure or use of student information for marketing purposes (“marketing surveys”), and certain physical exams and screenings. Please contact the school in writing if you would like your child to opt-out of any of the above activities.
Harmony Township Board of Education
District Policy
Section: Program
Date Created: May 2011
Date Edited: May 2014
The Board of Education recognizes as new technologies shift the manner in which information is accessed, communicated, and transferred; these changes will alter the nature of teaching and learning. Access to technology will allow pupils to explore databases, libraries, Internet sites, and bulletin boards while exchanging information with individuals throughout the world. The Board supports access by pupils to these information sources but reserves the right to limit in-school use to materials appropriate for educational purposes. The Board directs the Superintendent to effect training of teaching staff members in skills appropriate to analyzing and evaluating such resources as to appropriateness for educational purposes.
The Board also recognizes technology allows pupils access to information sources that have not been pre-screened by educators using Board approved standards. The Board therefore adopts the following standards of conduct for the use of computer networks and declares unethical, unacceptable, or illegal behavior as just cause for taking disciplinary action, limiting or revoking network access privileges, and/or instituting legal action.
The Board provides access to computer networks/computers for educational purposes only. The Board retains the right to restrict or terminate pupil access to the computer networks/computers at any time, for any reason. School district personnel will monitor networks and online activity to maintain the integrity of the networks, ensure their proper use, and ensure compliance with Federal and State laws that regulate Internet safety.
Standards for Use of Computer Networks
Any individual engaging in the following actions when using computer networks/computers shall be subject to discipline or legal action:
A. Using the computer network(s)/computers for illegal, inappropriate or obscene purposes, or in support of such activities. Illegal activities are defined as activities that violate Federal, State, local laws and regulations. Inappropriate activities are defined as those that violate the intended use of the networks. Obscene activities shall be defined as a violation of generally accepted social standards for use of publicly owned and operated communication vehicles.
B. Using the computer network(s)/computers to violate copyrights, institutional or third party copyrights, license agreements or other contracts.
C. Using the computer network(s) in a manner that:
1. Intentionally disrupts network traffic or crashes the network;
2. Degrades or disrupts equipment or system performance;
3. Uses the computing resources of the school district for commercial purposes, financial gain, or fraud;
4. Steals data or other intellectual property;
5. Gains or seeks unauthorized access to the files of others or vandalizes the data of another person;
6. Gains or seeks unauthorized access to resources or entities;
7. Forges electronic mail messages or uses an account owned by others;
8. Invades privacy of others;
9. Posts anonymous messages;
10. Possesses any data which is a violation of this Policy; and/or
11. Engages in other activities that do not advance the educational purpose for which computer networks/computers are provided.
Internet Safety Protection
As a condition for receipt of certain Federal funding, the school district shall be in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act, and has installed technology protection measures for all computers in the school district, including computers in media centers/libraries. The technology protection must block and/or filter material and visual depictions that are obscene as defined in Section 1460 of Title 18, United States Code; child pornography, as defined in Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code; are harmful to minors including any pictures, images, graphic image file or other material or visual depiction that taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; or depicts, describes, or represents in a patently offensive way, with respect to what is suitable for minors, sexual acts or conduct; or taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.
This Policy also establishes Internet safety policy and procedures in the district as required in the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act. Policy 2361 addresses access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and World Wide Web; the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications; unauthorized access, including “hacking” and other unlawful activities by minors online; unauthorized disclosures, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors; and measures designed to restrict minors’ access to materials harmful to minors.
Notwithstanding blocking and/or filtering the material and visual depictions prohibited in the Children’s Internet Protection Act and the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Board shall determine other Internet material that is inappropriate for minors.
In accordance with the provisions of the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Superintendent of Schools or designee will develop and ensure education is provided to every pupil regarding appropriate online behavior, including pupils interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and/or chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.
The Board will provide reasonable public notice and will hold one annual public hearing during a regular monthly Board meeting or during a designated special Board meeting to address and receive public community input on the Internet safety policy - Policy and Regulation 2361. Any changes in Policy and Regulation 2361 since the previous year’s annual public hearing will also be discussed at a meeting following the annual public hearing.
The school district will certify on an annual basis, that the schools, including media centers/libraries in the district, are in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act and the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act and the school district enforces the requirements of these Acts and this Policy.
Consent Requirement
No pupil shall be allowed to use the school districts’ computer networks/computers and the Internet unless they have filed with the school a consent form signed by the pupil and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
Individuals violating this Policy shall be subject to the consequences as indicated in Regulation 2361 and other appropriate discipline, which includes but are not limited to:
1. Use of the network only under direct supervision;
2. Suspension of network privileges;
3. Revocation of network privileges;
4. Suspension of computer privileges;
5. Revocation of computer privileges;
6. Suspension from school;
7. Expulsion from school; and/or
8. Legal action and prosecution by the authorities.
N.J.S.A. 2A:38A-3
Federal Communications Commission: Children’s Internet Protection Act.
Federal Communications Commission: Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act
Adopted: 2 May 2011
Amendment First Reading: June 17, 2013
Amendment Second Reading and Adoption: July 22, 2013
Revision First Reading: April 28, 2014
Second Revision Reading and Adoption: May 19, 2014
District Policy
Section: Students
Date Created: May 2011
Date Edited: May 2011
The Board recognizes that the personal, social, physical, and educational growth of children will vary and that they should be placed in the educational setting most appropriate to their needs at the various stages of their growth.
It shall be the policy of the Board that each child be moved forward in a continuous pattern of achievement and growth that is in harmony with his/her own development. Such a pattern coincides with the system of grade levels established by this Board and the instructional objectives established for each.
A pupil, except those who are classified, will be promoted to the succeeding grade level when he/she has:
1. Completed the course requirements at the presently assigned grade;
2. In the opinion of his/her teachers and the administration, has achieved the instructional objectives set for the present grade. Achievement of instructional objectives is defined as having achieved passing grades in four subjects: reading, mathematics, and language arts, plus at least one of either science or social studies;
3. Demonstrated proficiency to move ahead to the educational program of the next grade; and
4. Demonstrated the degree of social, emotional, and physical maturation necessary for a successful learning experience in the next grade; and
5. Been in attendance at least one hundred sixty four of the one hundred eighty-one days school year; that is, not been absent more than seventeen days, except under extenuating circumstances as judged by the Chief School Administrator.
A child shall be considered for retention if he or she has not met the above requirements.
The teacher recommending a child for retention shall report this to the Chief School Administrator by the end of the third marking period. Said report shall be a brief narrative which shall include but not be limited to the following factors:
1. Age of pupil;
2. Ability;
3. Results of health screening;
4. Emotional reaction of pupil;
5. Mental and emotional maturity;
6. Aggressiveness;
7. Parent(s) or legal guardian(s)’ reaction;
8. Prior retentions; and
9. Success of child if retained.
At this point a parent-teacher-administrator conference shall be arranged. The purpose of this conference shall be to discuss retention, ascertain program alternatives and/or options, such as remedial assistance to solicit the help of parent(s) or legal guardian(s) in the design and implementation of such a program or to determine whether Child Study Team intervention might be necessary.
If a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) disagrees with the outcome of this meeting, he or she is entitled to invoke the district complaint procedure, and any other appropriate due process measures.
A pupil who is retained shall have an alternative program developed which differs from that in which he or she has been unsuccessful. The program shall be developed by the current and succeeding teachers prior to September. Flexibility shall be the keynote of alternative program offerings.
A pupil may not be retained more than two years in one grade.
N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.9
Adopted: 2 May 2011
Harmony Township Board of Education
District Policy
Section: Students
Date Created: May 2011
Date Edited: May 2013
The Board of Education values excellence and wishes to instill in pupils the desire to do their best in all things.
The Board will recognize the outstanding achievements of pupils by means appropriate to the grade level of the pupil and to the nature of the accomplishment.
Honor Rolls
1. Pupils in grades five through eight who distinguish themselves by high academic achievement will be listed on an honor roll at the end of each marking period. Two rolls will be published: honors and high honors.
a. The high honor roll will include all pupils who have achieved a grade of A+, A, O, or P in all subjects in that marking period.
b. The honor roll will include all pupils who have a grade of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, O, S, or P in all subjects.
The Chief School Administrator shall develop regulations for the recognition of pupil achievement that establish fair standards for recognition, assure that all eligible pupils are offered an equal opportunity to meet those standards, and provide for appropriate recognition ceremonies and awards.
N.J.S.A. 18A:11-3
Adopted: 2 May 2011
Revised: 25 March 2013
Harmony Township Board of Education
District Policy
Section: Students
Date Created: May 2011
Date Edited: May 2011
The Harmony Township School supports the concepts of individuality and freedom of choice; however, modest, comfortable, and clean attire is expected of all pupils daily. Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are asked to exercise discretion to insure that pupils are appropriately dressed. Listed below are a limited number of prohibitions and restrictions which require the attention of parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
1. Clothing shall not constitute a health or safety hazard to the wearer or to others and shall not constitute a disruption to the educational process.
2. Attire is expected to be appropriate to the age and grade level of the pupil.
3. Sandals, flip-flops, bare feet, spiked, or cleated footwear and black heeled boots which mark or damage floors are not permitted. Shoes with excessive heel heights should not be worn.
4. Outer wear is not to be worn in the classrooms. Hats may not be worn in the building.
5. Tank tops, mesh, or see-through clothing, spandex items, halter, tube, cut out and bare midriff tops and shirts are considered unacceptable. Cut off, torn or tattered clothing, whether purchased in such a state or altered after purchase is not permitted.
6. Clothing, pins, stickers, patches, banners or any other items which advertise or promote the use of controlled substances such as alcohol or drugs, which are offensive to ordinary tastes, obscene, immoral or biased, or which promote a counter culture inconsistent with the public school are prohibited.
7. Shorts, skirts, and dresses should approximate knee length; they should be no shorter than "fingertip" length, when arms are fully extended at sides.
8. "Sneakers" or soft rubber soled shoes are recommended for physical education classes. Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of primary level pupils should be aware of the days their children are scheduled for gym classes and dress children appropriately. Upper level pupils are permitted to change clothes for gym, changing rooms are provided.
9. Undergarments should not be visible.
10. Any items or manner of dress not specifically addressed in these guidelines are subject to administrative review and regulations.
11. The Chief School Administrator may waive the dress code for special events, school activities, and/or trips.
The Harmony Township School requests the cooperation of all parent(s) or legal guardian(s), pupils and faculty in observing these guidelines. Staff members, charged with securing compliance with these guidelines, are directed to do so in a manner which does not demean or ridicule the pupil, nor are they to subject the pupils to unnecessary scorn or embarrassment. Neatness and cleanliness are the primary concerns. These guidelines provide flexibility and choice that allow for comfort and variety.
N.J.S.A. 18A:11-1; 18A:11-7; 18A:11-8; 18A:11-9
Adopted: 2 May 2011